Provided only in Sweden.
Pro bono areas:
1) Hacktivists
Petrus Toxy Law Firm offers through EFF, Electronic Frontier Foundation, pro bono help to hacktivists.
Pro bono is offered to hacktivists, who follows the original hacker's manifesto and who in their deed work for the Western democracy and freedom of speech.
Petrus Toxy
Legal Counselor
Good legal practice invites a lawyer to work pro bono.
Good legal practice states that a lawyer must work pro bono at least 50 hours / year.
Pro bono is Latin and means "for the common good".
Pro bono means that a lawyer actually works for free.
The purpose of pro bono is to help those who are otherwise without legal assistance.
Each lawyer decides what they want to put their pro bono on.
Petrus Toxy Law Firm performs Pro Bono after paying customers have receive help.
This means that Pro Bono customers can't request the same 24/7/365 service as paying customers.
Petrus Toxy
Legal Counselor
Copyright Petrus Toxy 2004-2023.
All rights reserved.