T Office History



Petrus Toxy Law Firm ©

Client Supra Omnes

Anno 2015

T Office Logo


"Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night,

and when you move fall like a thunderbolt."

/ Sun Tzu

T Office ©

Offensive Network Security




T Office © History


37 years later.


My brother introduced me to programming and etchical hacking. The year was 1980.

He decribed computer programming as a "drug". My brother was a part of the so called 2nd generation of original hackers. In those days there was no modern Internet. In those days we had twittering modems.


My brother had already in mid 70's introduced me to theoritical physics. During our childhood we talked a lot about: A.I., chaos theory, the comming evolution of homo sapiens sapiens, black holes, black matter, robotics, space time, white matter. Many of these terms didn't exist in those days in the mind of ordinary people, such as e g white matter. But to two children it was natural that white matter existed, since black matter was believed to exist.

Since those days I have been interested in: A.I., theoritical physics, chaos-theory, anti-materia and black holes.

In retrospect, it's uncommon that two children read and talk about theoretical physics.


Some of my high-ranked friends had computers. We sat in the early 80's at their homes coding.


In 1985 I got at last my first own computer, a Commodore 64. I did my first own hack.

I also did my first try to create A.I. All I created was programmed mimic. It felt unsatisfied that the technological development in the 80's was on an other level than my own thoughts and will to create real A.I.


In high school I held my first lecture about cracking, hacking and malware. In those days cracking meant cracking e g comercial computers games laying on floppy discs. Today cracking mostly mean hacking performed by black hats. I could have talked about theoretical physics. My classmates looked like question marks.


In a socialistic country as Sweden, where all must be equal, the intelligence surplus find its own ways to vent. Especially then intelligence surplus in the Swedish school system are treated as something abnormal. And I and my brother was two of those "abnormal" kids.


The group of ethical hacking kids didn't only learn etchical hacking. They also learned skills in electronic engineering to avoid backtracking. It led to the first Red Cell operation. Which is not the same as Red Team operations. It was easy to copy magnetic stripes and later on the information från e g RFID. Also today too many walk around with their access cards hanging from their belt or from their neck.

Also today 99,99% of all people don't use hacking safe wallets or passport holders.

No one of these kids got caught. Some are today software millionaries, some other have put their knowledge in the well-being of Western democracy and are not millionaries in money, but in knowledge.


In late 80's I was introduced to malware and I saw the power of machine code. I loved and still love silver surfing on the wave of machine code.


After my brother died my interest concerning etchical hacking slacked. In early 90's when I moved to an own appartment I found my books in machine code and the 0 and 1 draw me back into the magical wold of computing.

I reached once again out to other EH's. I became interested in Cryptography and possessed by Prime. Prime pampered my childhood passion for math and my hereditary skills in pathern recognition.


The modern Internet came to Sweden in late 1993 / early 1994. The Internet in those days was a black sinkhole of information. It would take ca 10 years before the informtion would be organized by Google.


In spring 1994 I started my own inofficial malware lab. My own malware zoo. This was after a lecture in economics at HIG. The sub-subject had been how to prevent industry espionage.

At the HIG we had a 24/7 open Computer room. The rest is history.


21 years later this inoffical lab became the T Office © official lab.



In 90's and 00's I was the first in Sweden to virtual map out the whole Swedish right-wing extremism and their connections to other undemocratic groups, and in the next step their connections abroad, e g to radical islamic terrorist organizations such as: Al Qaeda, Hamas, PLO (Fatah incl. Al Aqsa Martyr's Brigade), the Muslim Brotherhood, among others.

The shared of interest of right-wing extremists, left-wing as whole and radical islamists are their hate against the Jewish people and Israel. During my childhood I had strongly react toward the anti-US climate, antisemitism and antisionism which is commonly accepted in countries as Sweden. My virtual map out of right-wing-extremists and their connections was collected by a Swedish Intelligent Unit. In six month I saved the unit one years work.


During the comming years the head of the Swedish Intelligent Unit could call me when they had issues they needed help with. One day in late 00's the head retired.


The Game changers

To me (Petrus Toxy) the game changer was 9/11. To me an attack against USA was personal. I have since childhood been pro-American and was grown up during the Cold War with americans as my very best friends.

2001/2002 I changed my professonal path and got involved in the security business.

One part of it was in one hand start work in the security industry, train K9 and on the other hand, as an educated historian, map out the Swedish left-wing and their connections to e g radical islamists, and in the next step their connections abroad. I had come in touch with left-wing during my mapping of right-wing extremists in 90's and 00's.

I mapped out the left-wing from 2001/2002 to 2014.


In 10's I have also helped virtual map out militant neo-nazis and their connections between Sweden, Finland, Norweig and USA.


Another personal game changer was the terrorattack against Spain and UK in 2004 and 2005, and when Daesh (ISIS) official Twitter account, in summer 2014, started follow my official Twitter account. This after an open discussion on Facebook concerning Daesh recruiters in Rinkeby, Stockholm, Sweden, and the fact that Daesh are openly recruiting in Sweden without interference from Law Enforcement Agencies. Maybe the idea was get me scared and stop me from mapping out Daesh in Sweden, but the effect on me was the opposit.

This act from Daesh proved me right that radical islamists in Sweden surveille persons in Sweden and that radical islamist terrorists in Sweden have a direct connection to Daesh in Syria/Iraq.

It took two (2) days from the discussion on Facebook, through middle-men in Rinkeby, Sweden and dito in Raqqa, Syria, to google my official Twitter account and start follow me.

The connection between Sweden and Daesh in Syria/Iraq can if needed be faster, but Daesh takes safety messures, especially when it comes to ICT Security in Syria/Iraq.

I contacted Western IC then the Daesh on their Twitter account also threated to kill President Obama, US FM Mr Kerry among other high-ranked politicians. The Daesh account was shut down the next day, but there are thousands of Daesh accounts and websites left, both in clear web and in deep web.

My personal red line was crossed with a mile, with the terrorattacks against Charlie Hebdo, against Mr Vilks in Denmark, against the Jewish Synagogue in Denmark, with the terrorattack against Paris 2015 and with the every day terrorattacks in Israel against Jews just because they are Jews.

I was suprised how badly the virtual detection worked despite the massive survaillance since 2001. I started wonder what happens with all information that are collected by and send to Western IC.


I decided I could make a larger impact in the war on terrorism in my role as ethical hacker, than just as an educated historian.


I also decided put my knowledge in all the areas I have studied and will study together to create A.I. Software, to virtual hunt down radical islamist terrorists and with A.I. software in a early stage counter-act terrorism. With A.I. Software Intelligence Agencies can find the red core in fuzzy information and neutralize terrorist cells in the physical world, before the terrorists pull off their terrorplans. You think this is already done, but it's not, not in a magnitude it can be done.


My goal from the start is of course to put my A.I. Software in the service of the Swedish IC and Finnish IC, but also to put it in the service of French IC, Israeli IC and US IC.

The reason is that French, Israel and US are a constant target to islamic terrorism, and that these countries have a pro-active and direct way handle terrorism in the physical world. When it comes to terrorism you have no time sit on the information.


So far Swedish IC (after the head of one Swedish Intelligent Unit was retired) have not been interested in any help, because of Swedish legislation and lack of resources follow up the information collect by me and my software. This is the difference with nowadays Swedish police and the old school Swedish police - the old school Swedish police was interested in solving serious crimes. Despite what.


My end goal is not only create silicon based A.I., my goal is to create real A.I. It will say to create A.I. based on carbon based wet-tech.

Such real A.I. can be used to many other good things beside hunt down terrorists.



T Office © was official born in december 2015.



Please read more about my colorful background on LinkedIn.



"Counter-act problems before problems become problems." / Petrus Toxy


Petrus Toxy


/ Petrus Toxy

Founder of T Office © - Offensive Network Security





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T Office © have, when performing services:


  • Corporate insurance;
  • Insurance against liability;
  • Legal security;
  • Property insurance.

T Office © support following projects:


  • EFF (legal help);
  • Tor Project (factotum);
  • Transifex (translation).


"I take pride in hunting down cyber threats.


I do not perform ICT Forensics and ICT Security as a 9-5 work

- my goal is to achieve success

- always in all ways."


/ Petrus Toxy


The ConnaisseursClub a k a


* "A connoisseur is a person who has a great deal of knowledge about the fine arts,

cuisines, or an expert judge in matters of taste."