

Petrus Toxy Law Firm ©

Client Supra Omnes

Anno 2015

T Office

24/7/365 Highend service

Legal holistic approach The only way to achieve defensive security is through an offensive mindset and approach

FAQ T Office




Q: Why T Office © ?


A: My (Petrus Toxy) work as Historian in 90's, 00's and 10's (please visit my LinkedIn and see "Historian") shows that strategies used by law enforcement are fairly rigid and lacking the flexibility found in the civilian world.


Both civil and criminal law has failed to keep pace with technological and societal trends catalyzed by technological advances.

At the same time problems increase with disloyal employees, whistle-blowers, cyber criminals, cyber terrorists and extremists. These causes companies and organizations injuries for billions of dollars every year.

Damage that companies rarely want shall reach the public light.


Petrus Toxy Law Firm auxiliary company T Office counter-act problems, before problems become problems. T Office counter-act without public light.



Q: If T Office © hunt down whistle-blowers, what do T Office think of whistle-blowers who leak to Wikileaks? What do T Office think about Edward Snowden?


A: T Office © don't judge people. We are not a court. T Office © realise that the reality is not white or black, the reality lasts in different shades of grey. We think all individuals take their individual decisions and responsibilities for their actions.


To T Office © the information Mr Snowden leaked was not news. We have since the end of Cold war and early 90's known that Intelligence Agencies worldwide have change targets and methods. We have since late 90's and early 00's believed that information are mass collected in stacks. We have all this time act as if it was as

Mr Snowden 2013 leaked it was. We have act as it was 1984. This means.

If we put information on official sites as this, we want it to be read as it stands in that moment.

To us it was more surprising that common man on the street was surprised by the information Mr Snowden leaked.


When it comes to whistle-blowers T Office © works according to the core in Jewish law. It means that T Office © share the view that employees shall in first place be loyal to their employers. Not to their trade union, not to a 3rd part etc etc.

With some exceptions.


The fact remains - there are many types of whistle-blowers. From a nurse on a low end hospital to spies, and all between. Some whistle-blower can alone cause fatal injury to an entire country. See for example the case Mordechai Vanunu.


We are not interested hunting down persons who inform about illegalities. E g employees at Stockholm Stad, Stockholm County, the largest employer in north Europe, famous for its managers breaking the public law in harm to citizens.


We are interest in persons who alone cause fatal injury to an entire country.


When it comes to Mr Snowden and Wikileaks, T Office don't support that e g agents working against terrorism are exposed or are risking to be exposed with their real identities by Mr Snowden or Wikileaks. This because the agents then risk their and their families lifes, and the only one winning on the leaked information is the radical islamistic terrorists and their organizations, which want change the Western democracy as we know it.


T Office © are first and last in service to Western democracy, free world and freedom of speech.


What come to Mr Assange, we believe that Mr Assange could be innocent. We think this based on facts. We think it's more to find out in the witnesses background, how they know one of the prosecutors and how it came that they met Mr Assange.


We also think it's a shame that no EU country dare give Mr Snowden asylum. Not because we support Mr Snowden in all he have done, but because a central part of a Western democracy are norm bound laws. EU countries showed 2013 that EU countries don't have norm bound laws. The laws in EU are comme ci comme ça depending who you are. Instead of EU, China helped Mr Snowden in Hong Kong. Instead of any EU country, Russia gave asylum to Mr Snowden. Remarkable.



Q: If T Office © help Western Intelligence Agencies, do you also support mass surveillance?

A:. T Office © don't support mass surveillance. This because the only one who is targeted with nowadays anti-terrorist laws, which incl. mass surveillance, is the common man on the street. 1984 was not an instruction manual.

At the same time as States are spying on common men, terrorists continues their communication through different methods, as if there was no anti-terrorist laws. Therefore T Office © are creating A.I. software via Petrus Toxy A.I. Software which only target is the main target - the terrorists and their infrastructures.



Q: Do T Office © track hacktavists?

A: T Office © don't track hacktavists, if they are not in service of undemocratic forces, as e g terrorist organizations such as: Daesh (ISIS a k a ISIL a k a Islamic State), Fatah incl. Al Aqsa Brigade, Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, Muslim Brotherhood among others. In that case we hunt these cyber terrorists down.



Note. Petrus Toxy Law Firm give pro bono legal help to hacktavists. If you need legal help contact first EFF, info (at) eff (dot) org.


"The greatest threat to mankind is not the widespread environmental destruction.

The greatest threat to mankind is the widespread mass surveillance of common man, in the name of 'war on terrorism', and with that the growing censorship on Internet, and the shut down of the freedom of speech. Freedom of speech is a corner stone in a Free world. Free world is the foundation in the Western democracy. Western democracy is built on transparerency. Transparency rest on the truth. Without freedom of speech you will not have the truth.

Truth has become the new hate speech."

/ Petrus Toxy



Counter-act problems before problems become problems,


Petrus Toxy

/ Petrus Toxy

Founder of T Office © - Offensive Network Security







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All rights reserved. © Petrus Toxy 2015.

Client Supra Omnes


Hire a lawyer and an EH all in one, who thinks "outside the box". Hire Petrus Toxy. I will point out the security attack surface in your organization:


disloyal employees, whistle blowers and cyber criminals.


/ Petrus Toxy


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