Pricing ICT



Petrus Toxy Law Firm ©

Client Supra Omnes

Anno 2015

ICT Forensics ICT Security Tracking whistle blowers Tracking disloyal employees Tracking cyber criminals Bug bounty Tracking cyber terrorists







ICT Forensics

International hourly rate.


Price: 400 USD / hour excl. VAT.



ICT Security

International hourly rate.


  • Fixed price can be given at Pentest.


Price: 400 USD / hour excl. VAT.


  • At Red Cell and Tiger Team assignments price are given on request.




Fixed price can be provided for certain services.


ICT Forensics



ICT Security


  • Inhouse ICT Security manager.

Short term 5.000 USD/week excl. VAT.

Long term 15.000 USD/month excl. VAT.


  • Pentest:

Fixed price from 6,000 to 12,000 USD excl. VAT.


  • Simple bug

For one (1) minor bug T Office © request fixed bug bounty of 1,500 USD excl. VAT.

This is the T Office © marketprice, negotiated and done.


  • Severe bug

For one (1) serious shortcoming in software T Office © request fixed bug bounty of up to 120,000 USD excl. VAT, negotiated and done.

A serious shortages can e.g. be a back-door, whose discovery prevent cyber criminals from laying a nest in your network. Such serious shortage was e.g. the Conficker Virus.

See the Conficker virus.


A cheaper alternative to you can be turn to HackerOne.

What you get via T Office © is professional silence.

Silence can be worth a higher price tag.


  • Tracking down Internet bullies / doxers / disloyal employees

Fixed price from 6,000 to 12,000 USD excl. VAT.


  • Tracking down a whistle-blower

Fixed price from 12,000 to 100,000 USD excl. VAT.


In e.g. Sweden there is a ban for employers in some cases tracking whistle blowers.

Whether T Office © legally are counted as part of the employer's sphere or not, depends on the legal set-up between T Office © and the client.



"The only 'bounty' programs offered by Microsoft are rewards for helping bring criminals to justice,"

/ Jerry Bryant. Group manager. Microsoft Trustworthy Computing Group. PCWorld.






  • Tracking down cyber terrorists:

When it comes to terrorists, cyberworld and physical world goes hand in hand. Cyber terrorists are today a part of a terrorist cell, they are highly valuated by their terrorist organizations. Many of them could and have worked as IT experts. Many of them are higly educated e g in Sweden, before joining ranks of a terror organization as a part of the organizations "cyberwar department" or as a freelancer.


For tracking terrorists in the virtual world T Office © request fixed tracking bounty of 12,000 USD / terrorist excl. VAT. This bounty is request for people at the bottom of the hierarchy such a new recruits.


For tracking terrorists in the virtual world who are in the top of a hierarchy

T Office © request fixed tracking bounty of 300.000 USD/terrorist excl. VAT.


Top hierarchy is for example: the master mind behind a terror cell, financier and or cashier behind a cell, liaison officers between the master mind and the cell, logistics around a cell, safe house keeper, the head of a cell, and the officers in a cell.


The bounty can not be made subject to a conviction, because a conviction is not in the sphere of control of T Office ©.

Prosecution is part of the law enforcement authorities' sphere of control.


Note. 50 % of the bounty is re-invested in T Office ©. hard- and software.

50 % of the bounty is given to groups and/or organizations working for the Western democracy and freedom of speech. Such groups could be e g Ghost Security.



Under certain circumstances T Office ©. can help major Western intelligence units in the war against terrorism without charging more than essential costs, if the case gives back new state of the art knowledge in the field of advance network security.


  • Putting down cyber terrorist communication

For tracking and / or neutralizing: hidden cyber terrorist websites, hidden virtual terrorist communication chanels, hidden virtual i e coffe houses, hidden virtual safe houses, hidden virtual dropboxes and hidden virtual terrorist hubs,T Office © request fixed tracking bounty of 120.000 USD excl. VAT / hidden communication way.


This bounty do not incl. putting the communication chanel down. Supplement charge occurs. Price are given on request.


All information (data mining) are given to the client. This incl. e g Geo-position, voice pattern, photo and or video, alias etc.


T Office © follows allways and in all way the laws from where the operation will take place.


All services are natural conducted within the framework of E-hack and follows the International Society of Forensic Computer Examiners (ISFCE) and (ISC)² Code Of Ethics.



"Up to 300.000 USD in bounty for one bad guy! You guys must be rich?"


It is not about becomming rich on hunting down terrorists.

It is about knowing the value of your knowledge and skills.


"Freedom is free, but Freedom don't come free." / Petrus Toxy


Counter-act problems before problems become problems,


Petrus Toxy


/ Petrus Toxy

Founder of T Office © - Offensive Network Security




Offensive Network Security


T Office always work according to customer needs, whatever place on the earth, whatever day of the year, whatever time of the day.


All T Office services are gathered directly or indirectly around the T Office speciality

- Pentest.


T Office have took the traditional pentest to next offensive level.


T Office act as a virtual bounty hunter and offers state of the art track down service.


T Office track down the target - get access to the target - exploit the target.


T Office accept bitcoins. We are the first Network Security firm in Sweden to accept Bitcoins. We are propably the first auxilliary company to a Law Firm in EU, maybe world wide, to accept Bitcoins. We do it to be today a part of tomorrow.


Petrus Toxy have since 1989 been a customer of Swedbank.